Name brand outdoor gear and women’s and men`s casual and active-wear. We’ve got; sandals, packs, camping supplies, sleeping bags, tents, hammocks, stoves, pot sets, rope, water bottles of all sizes and descriptions, hats, dresses, pants, tops and plenty more that you’ll just have to discover for yourself. Open year-round serving our winter customers with a great selection of outdoor winter wear and gear such as long undies, boots, parkas, hats, mitts, gloves, snowshoes, kick-sleds, winter camping gear, warm socks and more!
Women’s and Men’s Active and Casual Wear
We carry a wide variety of women’s and men’s active and casual wear, including: dresses, skirts, sweaters, tops, pants, shorts, capris, hats & plenty more that you’ll just have to discover for yourself!
Outdoor Gear & Equipment
Whether you’re camping, cottaging or travelling, we’ve got plenty of outdoor and camping gear & equipment including; sandals, packs, camping supplies, sleeping bags, tents, hammocks, stoves, pot sets, rope, water bottles of all sizes and descriptions.
Winter Season
This location is open year-round serving our winter customers with a great selection of outdoor winter wear and gear such as long undies, boots, parkas, hats, mitts, gloves, snowshoes, kick-sleds, winter camping gear, warm socks and more!
The Town Shop also rents snowshoes and kicksleds. It’s a great way to get outdoors, have fun and get a little exercise.
Eat and Drink
- Log Cabin Inn - Seguin (2.8 miles) - The Log Cabin Inn is a beautiful little Inn, located on the Boyne River just three minutes south of ...
See and Do
- Georgian Bay Airways Ltd. Parry Sound (0.3 miles) - Operating from May through October out of Parry Sound’s beautiful downtown waterfront in the heart...
- Bear Claw Tours - ATV Adventures on the Canadian Shield SEGUIN (5.0 miles) - Bear Claw Tours | All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Adventures Spectacular, All Canadian ATV Experience, last...
- White Squall Paddling Centre Nobel (7.9 miles) - Kayak, Paddleboard/SUP, Canoe rentals, sales, trips, lessons. Rent or buy a boat from one of the lar...
- White Squall Town Shop - Parry Sound (0.0 miles) - Name brand outdoor gear and women’s and men`s casual and active-wear. We’ve got; sandals, packs,...
- White Squall Paddling Centre - Nobel (7.9 miles) - Kayak, Paddleboard/SUP, Canoe rentals, sales, trips, lessons. Rent or buy a boat from one of the lar...