Review Jump Xtreme Tamworth

Jump Xtreme Tamworth Review by guest, Nov 17, 2019 - 5:28 AM
Terrible customer service ** FROM A MANAGER**
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Right, where do i start i arrived at tamworth jump extreme at 3.35pm with my children and husband for a birthday treat for my 6yr old son! From the get go of walking in there it was absolute madness there was only 1 person on the reception when we finally got seen to bare in mind id paid for this trip 2 weeks pior from 4pm till 5pm jump time... we was then told at 3.53pm we had to fill out safely forms (wich i totally agree with) so i got this then be told breafing was a must and to go and wait in the room to watch a short video (wich we did) that then took us to 4.05pm (bare in mind we paid to jump from 4pm till 5pm 1 hour) had our wrist bands put on & walked out to find a locker we tried 3 diffrent lockers none of them was working u have to enter a 4 sequence pin twice and then it locks..(but as i said previously it was very busy and wasnt many available) i saw a lady walk past me so i asked her "excuse me can you please help me with getting a locker" she then instantly bit my head off and told me i would have to wait! I was then straight away on the defence not knowing why she had spoken to me like that..i then said to her "dont speak to me like that i want to speak to a manager" she said "i am the manager SUE i own this whole place" i couldn't help but laugh at the point as i was shocked a manager would speak to a customer in this manner..she said "do u want my help or not" and started waving her hands around in front of her like a petulant child! I then said "No i want a refund and i wont be coming back" she then walked to the reception i followed staying well back as i didnt know what her intentions were after waving her hands around in front of my face previously..she continued to say "i had u speaking to me and one other lady im sorry i shouldn't of approached you in that way" i then said "i dont care its not a way u deal or speak to ur customers if u can't deal with ur job roll dont have it simple as that" the face on her when she had to refund me was like looking at a 2 year old child who couldn't get his/her own way absolutely disgusting behaviour from a manager that you'd not ever expect! My children witnessed the lot o do not recomend this place what so ever and my sons birthday treat was wrecked because you couldnt deal with a customer in the right manner!!
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