Review Sails of Indochina - Classic Sailing Junk - Lan Ha bay

Sails of Indochina - Classic Sailing Junk - Lan Ha bay Review by guest, Feb 25, 2017 - 12:09 AM
Nice alternative to Halong Bay
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We wanted to see the land/seascape of Halong Bay, but being surrounded by tourist boats and floating garbage wasn't appealing at all. In looking for alternatives, we found Sails of Indochina's Lan Ha cruise and it was a perfect fit!
Getting picked up and dropped off from our hotel in Hanoi made life much easier, and once we were on the boat the food was terrific as were the sights. All the standard stuff you would expect for such a cruise, but with many fewer people. I would definitely recommend doing the 3 day 2 night tour if you can because otherwise it's a lot of travel and transfer without as much sightseeing
Sails of Indochina - Classic Sailing Junk - Lan Ha bay Review by, Feb 23, 2017 - 8:01 PM
Classic Sail in Lan ha Bay
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We wanted to stay away from the crowded area . Lan Ha bay was an excellent choice for us with beautiful classic boat, excellent food and professional crew's member

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