Cowgirl Yarn

Categories: Wyoming
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Cowgirl Yarn

Located in Historic Downtown Laramie, Cowgirl Yarn is a fiber-lover’s paradise. Our unique collection of scrumptious yarns, luxurious needles, fashion-forward patterns, one-of-a-kind accessories, and oodles of inspiration provides the ideal home for any and all knitters, crocheters, weavers, and spinners. We are proud to offer a large and exclusive selection of yarns and fibers that are produced here in Wyoming.

At Cowgirl Yarn we bring products into the store with our customers in mind. Each item is chosen specifically for our customers because they are more than customers, they are our friends.

We are open Tuesday to Friday 10:30 am - 6 pm. Saturday 10 am - 5 pm. Monday Night 7-9pm
Sunday and Monday by appointment, call us at 307-755-9276 or email to schedule time to explore Cowgirl Yarn.

Cowgirl Yarn
Cowgirl Yarn
Cowgirl Yarn
Cowgirl Yarn
Cowgirl Yarn
Cowgirl Yarn


Cowgirl Yarn
119 Ivinson Avenue
United States


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