Hacks: Tips to Follow to Make Traveling with Your Baby Easy

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Traveling with a little one can be complete chaos and frustrating, especially if you are not organized and don’t have what you need. To relieve anxiety and stress, follow these four tips.


1. What to Pack

Packing baby essentials can be tricky because you spend most of your time trying to decide what items are necessities and which items you can do without. Some of the most essential, and often forgotten baby items are diapers and wipes. Whether you’re traveling in the city or across the country, you will need diapers and wipes. A diaper bag is good to have because you can store the essentials and a few extra items, such as a sippy cup, socks, clothes, and pacifier. If your baby isn’t ready to part with a pacifier, you don’t want to travel without one. It may not be as simple as replacing it when you’re traveling.

Bottles and a changing pad are other essentials you’ll want to have while traveling. Bottles should be cleaned and dried before being placed in the diaper bag. Instead of carrying a gigantic can of formula around in the diaper bag, store dry formula in two or three bottles and keep them in the diaper bag for quick access while storing the rest of the formula in your suitcase. Don’t mix water with the formula until you are ready to feed your baby. If you breastfeed, make sure you pack at least three blankets to cover you and your baby for privacy and comfort.

Don’t forget to pack toys for your little one. They may be enjoying the scenery, but bring at least three of their favorite toys along. Small toys, such as keys and rattles will keep your baby entertained for a while.

2. What to be Prepared for

Always be prepared for changes. Changes often occur when you least expect them. If you have to arrive somewhere at a certain time, get there at least 30 minutes to one hour early. You can use the extra time to get settled and double-check everything and feed your little one, especially if you’re traveling by plane. Arriving early helps you deal with unexpected changes.

As a parent of a baby, expect accidents to occur. Bring a change of clothes to keep your baby clean and dry in case they spill food, juice or have a diaper malfunction. Be prepared to be overwhelmed. Traveling assumes a different meaning when you’re traveling with a baby. Anxiety can set in often and quickly while you’re traveling with your bundle of joy.

3. Ways to Ease Anxiety

Don’t let anxiety get the best of you while traveling. To help ease many of the symptoms of anxiety, pack clothes and other essentials two or three days in advance and triple-check all of your luggage to make sure you have everything you need. Getting a good night’s rest will also help ease anxiety.

If you’re cranky and groggy, traveling with a baby is going to be more difficult than you can imagine. Get an adequate amount of sleep, at least 8 hours before the big day of travel with your little one. Make sure your little one gets enough sleep as well. A cranky baby makes traveling close to impossible.

Traveling with your baby is exciting but also overwhelming. These tips will help you master traveling with your little and help you ease some of the anxiety that accompanies the traveling process.

Author Bio: Paige Jirsa- I work with  Top10.Today, a shopping comparison site, where we strive to help consumers find the best quality and priced products.